The Voicetrak Report helps the media spot trends in their local market and encourages advertisers to maximize their spending.

Competitive media spending data is vital in the planning and allocating of advertising budgets. Combined with market share data, it provides advertisers and agencies with a powerful tool to set budgets based on local market conditions.

Since 1987, Voicetrak has conducted advertiser-funded, local market competitive studies via direct survey of the media. Each quarter, survey requests are sent to 9,300 media vehicles including spot television, cable systems and interconnects, radio stations, newspapers and business journals, out-of-home companies, local magazines and the local digital offerings of our traditional media partners. These requests seek historical spending data for all advertisers in each client-requested category.

Media Benefits

Stimulate Spending.  Helping advertisers gain a clear understanding of the competitive pressures they face allows them to justify the kind of budget increases that stimulate local market spending. They don’t typically have the time or additional financial resources to augment Voicetrak data. They tend to accept it at face value, constructing their local market media budgets based solely on this information. It’s in everyone’s interest to supply them with the most complete view possible. Advertiser competition fuels media sales.

Shared Results.  All media participants are provided with the study results free of charge. Reports provide media sales and research professionals with substantive, actionable information on category and advertiser trends, sales opportunities and a clear understanding of their full market revenue share. Adjacent markets, similarly-sized DMAs, national and statewide roll-ups and customized time-frame analyses are also available at no charge.

Confidentiality.  Voicetrak maintains a strict policy of aggregating all data submissions by medium to protect each contributing source. Our methods and practices have been favorably reviewed by media groups and trade associations.

Fast & Easy.  A regular quarterly schedule and extended lead time provide a considerable improvement over traditional agency requests. Most participants send their data via email using reports from their traffic or billing system. The time commitment is typically less than 20 minutes each quarter.

No Contracts or Commitments.  Media participation is always voluntary. No contracts, no costs, no commitments.

Still have questions or want more information about participating? Call Jessica Rich, 704-402-3530, to get answers to your questions or a sample of our reports.


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